Creating a More Beautiful World Together

In a world of division and conflict, CoCreating Community is re-weaving the social fabric through connection and collaborative Dreaming.

Our Focus

CoCreating Community is planting seeds to build a world in which we want to live; one focused on a healthy intergenerational community where we live in harmony with nature, connect with like-hearted people, and support the needs of each other.

CoCreating Community strives to live harmony with nature.

Living in Harmony with Nature

Focused on growing healthy intergenerational communities, CoCreating Community pursues securing land and food, caring for and learning from each other, and making time for play.  

CoCreating Community actively seeks partnerships with individuals and groups in our local and regional communities.

Community Partnerships

Together we will grow! CoCreating Community actively seeks partnerships with individuals and groups in our local and regional communities.

CoCreating Community explores alternatives to meeting the needs of everyone in the community.

Alternative Economics

Abundance is all around us. CoCreating Community explores  alternatives to meeting the needs of everyone in the community without debt, inequity, or exclusion, and even without money.

"You never change something by fighting the existing reality. To change something build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." R. Buckminster Fuller